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Methane Analyser System for NSW Landfill to Electricity Site


Supporting landfill site safety through the installation of a methane analyser system. 


We were contracted to install a Methane Analyser System at one of New South Wales’ largest landfill to electricity generation sites. The plant has a combined capacity of 23MW and its accredited GreenPower generators can produce sufficient electricity to supply around 23,000 homes per annum. 


The system consists of two pressure-forced type methane analyser systems running in redundant mode, measuring methane gas concentration in the overall landfill gas before it is supplied to multiple electricity generators-engine modules. 

The key technology of the system is our IEC certified Methane Analyser. Suitable for use in hazardous areas, the analyser is highly accurate, stable and is not cross sensitive to other hydrocarbons typically present in landfill gas. 

The system is designed to optimise the engine module to achieve higher efficiency. In the event of low methane content in the landfill gas, the system will shut the plant down to avoid engine failure. This helps to prevent premature failure of capital equipment. 


The Methane Analyser System is a reliable, accurate and economic method of determining the concentration of methane content in the sampled gas and enables accurate online real time monitoring of methane content within the overall gas mix. This means the customer can provide these measurements to the Clean Energy Regulator which issues Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) to renewable energy companies under the Carbon Farming Initiative. 

Our team also provided ongoing maintenance, detector calibration and record keeping which assist the customer to continue meeting the requirements of the scheme. 


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