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Safety, Environment & Policy

Committed to Safety

Our purpose to transform the world through collaboration is grounded in a strong foundation of core values that underpin who we are and how we operate. Making sure our people are safe is incredibly important to us at Ampcontrol.

We believe all health, safety, environmental and quality (HSEQ) incidents are preventable and to that end, commit to eliminating, or where not possible, minimising risks as far as is reasonably practicable.

We are committed to the health and safety of our people and contractors, the quality of the products we produce, and the preservation of the environment, with our sustainable practices woven into every facet of our business, beginning with workshops, offices and business operations.

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Our Safety, Environment & Quality Standards

We have adopted best practice management systems in line with the requirements of National and International Standards ISO9001, ISO45001, ISO14001, ISO17025, and the ANZEx, IECEx, ATEX schemes.

Ampcontrol holds certification for the following Management Standards:

Workplace Health and Safety Management System (AS/NZS 4801, OHSAS 18001)

Environmental Management System (AS/NZS 14001)

Quality Management System (AS/NZS 9001)

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Our Approach to Safety

We remain committed to the health and safety of our people and contractors, the quality of our products, and the preservation of the environment. We do this by:

Looking After Our People

We provide the leadership, training, and resources required for our people to perform their work safely and deliver quality products and services. We engage our people through meaningful consultation, participation, and communication that improves our HSEQ outcomes.

Developing A Positive Culture

Our positive HSEQ culture is based on trust, integrity, care and respect for each other, our customers, and the environment. We take positive measures to restore and protect nature, minimise pollution and carbon emissions, develop circular models for our services, and actively divert waste from landfill.

Proactive Management

We adopt appropriate risk management approaches to identify, assess and control HSEQ risks within our organisation, ensuring our activities comply with the relevant legislative and other standard requirements.

Reviewing Our Performance

We monitor and review our HSEQ performance against our HSEQ objectives, targets and improvement programs, to drive continual system and cultural improvements. We report, investigate and learn from HSEQ incidents that occur within, and external to our organisation.

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Manufacturing & Innovation

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