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Renewables and Net Zero Innovations

Stand Alone Power Systems & Microgrids

Our stand alone power systems and microgrids leverage sustainable technologies, providing reliable energy to remote communities.

Sustainable remote energy sources

We’re leading the global energy revolution, designing advanced solutions such as stand alone power systems and microgrids that can competently facilitate remote electrical needs where traditional pole and wire power is lacking. 

Created through our joint venture, Boundary Power, each stand alone power system has been manufactured to suit off-grid and distributed applications, providing a reliable and consistent supply to isolated consumption sources. We’ve developed a suite of customisable solutions that can cater to differing load and infrastructure requirements, from Nano SAPS for smaller, harsh environments through to our Kiosk SAPS designed for all-purpose, all-climate considerations. Our microgrids also serve as an autonomous, off-grid power generation source, leveraging Solar PV and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) to supply sufficient energy to remote communities. 

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Our product and service selection

Take a closer look at the advanced offerings underpinning our energy solutions.

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Our microgrids utilise advanced energy generation technologies including Solar PV, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) and inverters to meet remote electrical needs.

Our Service Offering

With an innovative spirit, industry-leading skills and a solutions-led approach, our services work toward sustainable, future-focused outcomes. 

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Contact us

Have a question, want to work with us, or know more about our solutions? We’d love to hear from you!

We’re available to call 24/7 for service and support or submit an enquiry and our team will get in touch to assist you.

1300 267 373
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