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All Projects

132kV Relocatable Switching Bay for Queensland Utility


Providing flexible power distribution through the design and engineering of a HV relocatable switching bay for a Queensland utility.


We were approached by a Queensland utility provider to develop a flexible power distribution solution that would assist their service teams when responding to outages or conducting routine maintenance. Following consultation, we were selected to design an engineer a HV switching bay that could be easily relocated to provide high voltage support when and where required.


In what was the first of its kind for us and our customer, we designed and manufactured a 132kV skid-mounted relocatable switching bay that would initially be deployed within a power station located in Central Queensland.

This relocatable switching bay will be utilised to divert power within the power station, allowing HV technicians to complete necessary maintenance works without interruption to supply.

In addition to the design and manufacture of the switching bay skids, our team was also tasked with developing a comprehensive training package. This included a face-to-face deployment demonstration session and the development of installation manuals while also providing ongoing operation and maintenance support.


We successfully delivered a custom designed 132kV skid-mounted relocatable switching bay, associated training resources and ongoing operations and maintenance plans for the Queensland based utility provider. Delivered and ready for deployment on-site, the relocatable switching bay will assist on-site teams to complete required maintenance activities without interrupting supply to customers located within the state of Queensland.


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