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UON Students present to Ampcontrol CEO


Ampcontrol has again in 2021 had the opportunity to provide a real-world product and organisation to be incorporated into the University of Newcastle’s Innovation and Entrepreneur course. As part of the course students were asked to identify problems and project innovations on the product of Solar Cube, developed and delivered to market by Boundary Power, an Ampcontrol joint venture company. On Thursday the 21st of October, Ampcontrol engineers and executives had the pleasure of listening to the 2021 cohort of students as they presented their final report and findings on Boundary Power and Solar Cube. The groups presentations were the culmination of the student’s time in the capstone course and saw each group pitch their solutions to Ampcontrol senior leaders and CEO, Rod Henderson. 

As a final year course, this can also be seen as the practical application of everything a student has learnt through-out their business degree. This years’ engagement with the University and its Innovation and Entrepreneur students is the second opportunity that Ampcontrol has had to be involved. In 2020, Ampcontrol offered the Gilghi project, an innovative water treatment plant to be used in regional and remote communities that have limited access to water, as the product for research. Ampcontrol has a long-standing relationship with the University and is an advocate for innovative learning. 

Ampcontrol prides itself in working with the UoN to give students practical experiences working on real world innovative products and developing a stronger connection to the wider Newcastle community. Key to the success of the course is the partnership and joint investment by both UoN and Ampcontrol’s team. Ampcontrol’s Chief Technology Officer, Tim Wylie, Learning & Development Specialist, Mikhaila Halford and Academic Garry Haworth came together to enable the opportunity. 

The partnership and engagement from both UoN and Ampcontrol is what allows the students to achieve their success. A great opportunity for the future innovators who were involved, all who can be confident in their abilities. Congratulations to each of the students of University of Newcastle’s Innovation and Entrepreneur course on a very successful program. Well done! Lear more about how Ampcontrol provides graduates with hands-on, practical experience in the Ampcontrol Graduate Program.

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