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Strengthening its commitment to providing a diverse workforce and the next generation of innovators, Ampcontrol has announced its sponsorship of Hunter-based industry schools outreach program HunterWiSE.

HunterWiSE is an initiative for women and girls in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) aimed to positively impact perceptions of STEM careers amongst school-aged girls to increase overall participation by women.

According to the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources The state of STEM gender equity in 2022, released 23 September 2022, women only make up 27% of the workforce across all STEM industries. In the past 12 months, Ampcontrol has seen a 24.1% increase in female employees within its global workforce.

“Ampcontrol is serious about creating diverse teams with women an important and integral part of the vibrant engineering and technology world.  We recognise the need to engage students at an early stage in their learning before they reach their final years in school. 

There are a number of career pathways we offer at Ampcontrol, and we have strong ties with local schools and The University of Newcastle to get young people excited by a career in STEM. We believe it’s vitally important for industry and education to work together,” said Mikhaila Halford, Ampcontrol Capability Development Manager.

“Our involvement in the HunterWiSE Program will allow Ampcontrol to partner with students from a local school, where we can provide mentoring and support to inspire young women to pursue a career in engineering.”

Professor Anna Giacomini is a co-founder of HunterWiSE. She is also the Director of the University of Newcastle’s Priority Research Centre for Geotechnical Science and Engineering. She recognises that the success of HunterWiSE initiatives is due in part to the contributions of industry partners, who provide opportunities for students to learn about and explore a wide range of STEM careers.

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