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Investing in the Women of Ampcontrol


As we mark International Women's Day 2024, we celebrate the women who are transforming the world through collaboration.

Accelerate Progress: Women at Ampcontrol

We may work in a male-dominated industry, but we value all #PeopleOfAmpcontrol—they are at the heart of our success, including the more than 220 women who challenge the future every day. We are committed to supporting women in STEM, both within Ampcontrol and in the wider industry.  

We’ve been experiencing growth of women across our business, with a 12.37% year-on-year increase. Our workforce now has 17.59% women, and 15.5% who have been working with us for more than three years.

28.57% trainees
22.72% graduates
12.5% undergraduates
16.07% apprentices

With some of the brightest minds working with us, we champion professional development opportunities. We have developed a multi-pronged approach to learning at development at Ampcontrol, offering our people leadership and management training opportunities. Through providing these opportunities, we are investing in our people.  

The theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is “Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress.” 

The theme was chosen by UN Women based on the priority theme for the United Nations 68th Commission on the Status of Women. Count Her In will examine the pathways to greater economic inclusion for women and girls everywhere.  

While important progress has been made, women face significant obstacles to achieving equal participation in the economy. 

Women in STEM 

If we want to see more women working in STEM-related careers, we need to show them the variety of options available to them—and early. It’s not enough to just talk about it, we need to invest. 

Since 2023, we have been sponsors of HunterWiSE, an initiative for women and girls in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) aimed to positively impact perceptions of STEM careers amongst school-aged girls to increase overall participation by women.  

HunterWiSE is a partnership initiative, established by seven academic women from the University of Newcastle and supported by industry partners, including Ampcontrol. We have a long relationship with the University, establishing our joint venture ResTech in 2004 

In 2024, we will be working with our second school in the Hunter region, NSW with Year 8 female students to give them hands-on experience of what a career in STEM might look like.  

Women in Sport

For the second year in a row, Ampcontrol has been proud supporters of the A-League Women’s Newcastle Jets, NSW.

We are committed to supporting our local communities. Community sport is important to #PeopleOfAmpcontrol and we have invested in both the Newcastle Jets Women’s and Men’s A-League Teams to promote equality. We believe in #CountHerIn, ensuring women have equal opportunities to excel in sports and beyond. By sponsoring women’s soccer, we’re investing in the future of female athletes and showing our commitment to gender equality—both on and off the field.  


Making Progress 

We are committed to making continual progress at Ampcontrol to ensure representation of women in our workforce as we challenge the future. We will continue our support of community, industry, and professional development of women at Ampcontrol and beyond. We will continue to champion equal opportunity and investment.  

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