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Ampcontrol Group Engineering Manager Awarded M A Sargent Medal


Dr Ian Webster, Group Engineer Manager at Ampcontrol, has been named as joint winner of the esteemed M A Sargent Medal.

Dr Ian Webster, Group Engineer Manager at Ampcontrol, has been named as joint winner of the esteemed M A Sargent Medal. The M A Sargent Medal is awarded to revered Engineers who have shown a highly significant contribution through technical innovation, to the science or practice of electrical engineering. Named in honour of Dr Michael Anthony (Mike) Sargent AM, an outstanding Australian Electrical Engineer, this award is notably Australia’s highest honour in the electrical engineering field, made jointly by the College of Electrical Engineers and the College of ITEE Engineers. 

The award acknowledges nominees who demonstrate a significant contribution, through technical innovation, to the longstanding eminence in science or the practice of electrical engineering; or exceptional and sustained leadership in electrical engineering. Dr Ian Webster is joint winner of the the M A Sargent Medal for 2021 with Professor Qing-Long Han, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research Quality) and distinguished professor at Swinburne University of Technology. The M A Sargent Medal announcement follows Dr Ian Webster recently named as 2021 Professional Engineer of the Year, Newcastle Division, by Engineering Australia. On winning this award Dr Ian Webster, Group Engineer Manager at Ampcontrol said, ‘I am honoured and humbled to be recognised for the M A Sargent Medal. I offer my congratulations to Professor Qing-Long Han, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Quality) at Swinburne University of Technology, who is the co-winner of this award for 2021. I thank the Engineers Australia College of Electrical Engineers and the College of Information, Telecommunications, and Electronics Engineering for their dedicated work in maintaining and awarding the M A Sargent Medal annually. I have enjoyed the privilege of dual careers, having spent 20 years in academia, and another 20 years in industry. For that I must thank the many people whom I have worked for, and worked with, and who have presented the challenges and opportunities to allow me to grow as an engineer. Without them, the journey recognised today would not have been possible.’ 

Acknowledging Dr Ian Webster's dual-award accomplishments, Ampcontrol Managing Director & CEO Rod Henderson, said, "We congratulate Ian on the tremendous honours he has received from Engineers Australia. The M A Sargent Medal is the most highly acclaimed acknowledgement of the skilled innovators working within our industry and a celebration of tremendous influence and excellence in both the science and practice of electrical engineering." In 2020, Ian led several high-profile projects at Ampcontrol, including developing a critical ICU Emergency Ventilator for NSW Health in response to the COVID pandemic. Ampcontrol was one of two organisations selected by the state government for pre-production following successful prototyping of its ventilator. Dr Ian Webster is greatly valued and admired for his innovation in the electrical engineering sector and we look forward to seeing his further development in advancing Ampcontrol’s emerging technologies into the future. Download the full media brief below.

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